Living On A Shoestring...Common Sense Ways to Save Money

Living On A Shoestring...

(Common Sense Ways to Save Money)

written by Anna Florin

image of book Common Sense... to some, it seems so obvious. But to the rest of us, we ask... how do they do it? How can 2 people, who earn the same wages, have such huge differences in the debt they owe? Would you like to know the secrets they know? Would you like to live a carefree life like they do? Buy Living On A Shoestring and start enjoying your own debt-free living. No worries... No problems.

"90% of all divorces are caused by money problems," a local district judge told me. "If young people today would just learn how to manage their money, there wouldn't be all this strife".

Living On A Shoestring would make a perfect gift for someone just starting off in life, such as a high school student or a young couple getting married. It would also make a wonderful guide for someone who's having difficulty in their financial life.

So... if you're ready to take charge of your spending habits right now ... and take charge of your life, purchase a copy of Living On A Shoestring . Remember... any great change begins with a single step.

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Anna Florin and her husband Mick (an electrician in the construction industry) have been "out of work" many times. Her suggestions on how to live frugally have all been personally tested in their own lives. "Our hope is that we can help others... offering them our deep understanding of how serious this matter is. There is no "fluff" in this book. All suggestions are sensible, practical and can really help save money."
Author is available for speaking engagements. Contact her directly at

"Insightful, wise and prudent."- Jon Huntsman, Jr.- Former Governor of Utah and 2012 Republican Presidental Candidate
"Excellent. Worth reading."- Stan
"I read every word."- Marianne
"Very true and worthwhile."- George
"...a good choice for those in a position where money doesn't grow on trees." - Midwest Book Review

Published through Featherwood Publishing .


© 2008